Saturday, January 28, 2012

I lost my phone. This could simplify my life!

I last used it to coordinate with my husband to meet him at the lacrosse field for our 7 year-old's first Friday Night Lights on my way back from picking up not only the helmet, pads and cup he needed but also our 20 year-old, who was coming in on the ferry to meet one of her uncles for the first time--visiting from British Columbia-- and her other uncle and aunt, who were visiting from Arizona on their way back to Florida. Today, while investigating i Phones for the 20 year-old, who is studying abroad in Hong Kong next year, I was preoccupied with the fact that that 4 pm coordination with my husband, in the Prius, with its awesome built-in bluetooth function, was the last time I used my ghetto used Motorola phone. That's right, I lost my phone.
I spent the whole day, in between trips to the evil Verizon store and my favorite independent phone dealer downtown, with lunch at a Vietnamese place in between, wondering how I could've done it. I went back to the parking lot by the lacrosse field, where I'd fumbled through bags of gear to suit up our son before his first official LAX experience. I walked the field. Nothing. Driving home from said evil Verizon store, where the guy tried to sell me everything he could, I began to realize that I didn't really know what our 15 year-old was doing every single minute that day, though I knew she was shopping for a dress for the King of Hearts dance. Our 17 year-old son is out of town filming for his internship, three hours away. How's his day going? Who knows? Was my husband back home yet with his two brothers, his nephew and our seven year-old? Had they eaten? Who knew? All I knew was that my 20 year-old was completely connected now with her new i Phone, and I was driving down the road with my sister-in-law.

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